Christian Mysticism

Christian Mysticism

“Be still and know that I am God”
- Psalm 46:10


Divine Love





What is Silence Today + Love Forever?

Silence today love forever is the work and inspiration of Carl McColman. He is a contemplative writer, speaker, retreat leader, and spiritual companion. He is the author of Befriending Silence, The Big Book of Christian Mysticism, Answering the Contemplative Call, and several other books. He is a retreat leader, speaker, and professed Lay Cistercian.

What is the approach to teaching and service?

The focus is helping individuals and faith communities deepen their relationship with God through prayer and silence. This includes drawing on the teachings of the Christian saints and mystics, applying their wisdom in practical ways to the needs and opportunities of our time. By discerning how to respond to the love of God, each of us is called to embody a joyful life of service and creative expression.

What is the source of this inspiration?

God calls each of us to that abundant life. It’s a life marked by love, joy, peace, and other eternal values. It’s a life already hidden deep within us and a key to finding it is the ancient practice of silent, contemplative prayer, based on this core Biblical principle: “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Spirituality is about more than just warm feelings or lofty ideas. I have faith in God’s grace and power to heal and change even the most wounded of lives. My faith is inspired by the mystics and the saints — visionary men and women from all generations whose writings, teachings, and practices can help us find the abundant life in the Spirit that we long for.
