Compassion Games

Compassion Games

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
- Dalai Lama







What is the Survival of the Kindness?

Survival of the Kindest is a community engagement experience that invites people around the world to inspire one another to reveal and promote acts of compassion that better our lives, our communities, and all life on Earth. Through the spirit of play, individual players and teams strive together to Unify, Amplify, Catalyze, Quantify and Actualize.

What is the aim of Compassion Games?

Compassionate acts catalyze a chain reaction of kindness that spreads from person to person. 1) Unify our intentions within a global community. 2) Amplify what’s already working in our local communities. 3) Catalyze increased engagement around initiatives to address local and global challenges. 4) Share reports that reflect on experiences and measure impact through an online Compassion Report Map. 5) Actualize by bringing a growing sense of unprecedented and unified action to life!

How do I play the Compassion Games?

Individual Players and Team Organizers can sign up to play in one or more Annual Compassion Games. It's a four-step process. 1 - Sign up to play, Step 2 - Play Your Hearts Out!, Step 3 - Report and Reflect, Step 4 - Share and Celebrate with others!

What are the ways that I can participate?

There are six ways to join in, participate, and play! 1) Be a Player, 2) Be a Team Organizer, 3) Be a Client, 4) Be a Partner, 5) Be a Fan, 6) Be a Game Designer
