Metta (Loving Kindness)

Metta (Loving Kindness)

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
- Lao Tzu




Connection, Love


Isolation, Anger

What is loving kindness meditation?

Loving kindness meditation or "Metta bhavana" was originally a Buddhist practice but has been widely adopted throughout the world by both secular and spiritual individuals. Loving kindness meditation cultivates a softening of the heart through the extension of good wishes and compassion to one's self and others.

How can I practice loving kindness?

There are many ways to practice loving kindness meditation. One simple technique consists of making a list of three individuals you know making sure that you include one close friend or relative, one acquaintance and an individual that you feel has wronged you in some way. Think of each individual one-at-a-time and simply wish that each of them will experience healing and happiness in their lives. Repeat this process for an extended time. You may be surprised how much healing and happiness you receive as a result.

Simple Steps to Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving Kindness Meditation